Tomynewacoliver's Custom Talking Engines

6 Replies, 1459 Views

[Image: D76-F1650-7-C4-D-4-EDA-9-E94-B4-A917-C7-FAC0.jpg][Image: CBC99-E77-E732-4-F16-A87-F-6-E9-CC7-E29-C27.jpg][Image: 2-F27-E336-CB25-49-E7-A4-E6-90-C4-A1-B08-E71.jpg]
[Image: CB3-BE24-E-5792-4-BCD-B7-D8-6-CD51-A0-DCD16.jpg][Image: F4-B7-AB54-C417-4-C73-BC87-6400-B6041-E27.jpg]

Following his success with Oliver (and an English speaking Diesel 10 with a FP Talking [Devious] Diesel battery truck), he revisited the idea and made a TnA Mavis earlier this month. She too uses her MFT sound board and was made with a TnA Gordon track sensor, another Japanese Edward sound truck and a Works Unit coach top from a Japanese Percy; the latter was originally motorised (same as Harvey's) and had its roof modded to fit the sound switch and buttons:

[Image: 09-AE6-A0-F-2-F56-435-A-BEDE-3728-F84522-D9.jpg][Image: 0-EDCEF7-A-78-D8-4-F32-A674-7-B64-CAF3720-F.jpg][Image: D14-D5-E64-FD68-456-D-91-B4-6-FB6-AF795-E2-E.jpg]

Due to Mavis having a quieter drive unit and being designed for a C battery, she's even more suitable for the mod compared to flat drive engines like Oliver. Demonstration video

With the resources, knowledge and effort needed for this, I didn't think he would ever do it again. Then again, it is the same person who made a bilingual talking Gauge 1 Thomas with boards from three different toys. According to this tweet, he has plans to build even more TnA versions of minor characters that have talking merch.
(This post was last modified: 05-17-2024, 04:26 PM by DalaGStanator.)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Talk 'n Action Oliver and Mavis with Golden Bear sound boards - by DalaGStanator - 02-20-2024, 02:19 PM

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